Archive (Page 12)

The Legacy of Jerry Falwell

Tuesday, May 15th, Jerry Falwell died in his office at the age of 73. Falwell’s impact in the evangelical world raises a host of questions regarding the role of the Christian in the political realm. In a recent op-ed piece, Cal Thomas addresses this issue with great clarity. We encourage all of you to read…

Brunch With Bev

It won’t be long before John and Bev Leonard leave to go to their new ministry in Brazil! Ladies, you are invited to attend a farewell “Brunch with Bev” on Saturday, May 12th, at 9:30 a.m. at the church. Bev will be sharing how God led them to this ministry, what their new ministry involves,…

Rachel Swanson (Liberia, Africa)

Happy Easter! I’m so glad that we serve a risen Savior. So many things have happened these past few weeks to be thankful for. I wish I was back home to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior with all of you, but I’m also excited to celebrate it with our Brother’s and Sisters in Liberia.…

Leonards (Brazil) – Official Medical Clearance

Dear Prayer Team, Thank you so much for your prayers!! Just this past Wednesday, March 28th, John received official medical clearance from the staff (pictured above) at Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colorado!! When John asked the question, “Can I go back to Brazil in May?” at our final conference Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Maureen Preston (see…