Archive (Page 9)

Engage 2008 – March 30-31

Our Engage Conference this year will feature Jeff Dodge who came to Ames in 1996 from Prairie Village, Kansas to give leadership to Cornerstone Church’s college ministry, The Salt Company. After serving as the Director of The Salt Company for 6 years, Jeff transitioned to the community side of Cornerstone Church as Teaching Pastor. His…

Easter Celebration 2008

This Sunday we will be hosting a special Easter Celebration Service. There will be only one service held at 10:00am and a free breakfast will be served for all attending. The breakfast will be open from 8am – 9:30am. Please plan on joining us as we celebrate our risen Savior, Jesus Christ. There will be…

An Enduring Marriage Sermon Audio

1. Jan. 27th AM – An Enduring Marriage Part 1: Reclaiming God’s Language 2. Feb. 10th AM – An Enduring Marriage Part 2: Rediscovering Repentance 3. Jan. 13th AM – An Enduring Marriage Part 3: Intended for Joy 4. Feb. 24th AM – An Enduring Marriage Part 4: Progress of Sanctification 5. Feb. 24th PM…

Why Vote If You Are Disillusioned?

Four years ago before the last presidential election John Piper sent the question “Why Vote If You Are Disillusioned?” to his people. His short article I found to be very well done and worth your reading as we enter this election cycle. Click Here for the Article Remember to caucus this Jan 3rd!

The Golden Compass

The release of The Golden Compass as a major motion picture represents a new challenge for Christians — especially parents. The release of a popular film with major actors that presents a message directly subversive of Christianity is something new. It is not likely to be the last. Read More –>

Special Speaker: David Barton

David Barton from Wall Builders will be speaking during this Sunday’s morning services. WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.


Check out for updates on our children’s ministry. These are exciting times here at Saylorville, especially when it comes to kids. Will you be apart of it? Fill out a Children’s Ministry Application and begin impacting kids to live God-Centered lives for God’s-Glory!!

Men’s Retreat, Sept 14-15

Join us for our 2nd Annual Every Man for Christ (EMC) Retreat at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Clear Lake, Iowa Sept 14-15 Firday – Sat. The Cost for the Retreat is $30 (please make checks out to Saylorville Baptist Church). Our speaker this year is Philip DeCourcy from Toldeo, Ohio. This is a great event to meet new men and be challenged from God’s Word. There will be a Best Ball Golf Tournament before the retreat on Friday at Honey Creek Golf Course in Boone. The cost is $30 which includes 18 holes, cart, and bag lunch.

Sign up at SBC or send an email to .

Rachel Swanson (Liberia)

Family and Friends, God is good and has taken both Christie and I on a journey these past several months that was unexpected and life changing in many ways. One way in Christie’s life is that both girls, Redeemed and Naomi, will be coming and and visiting her and her family for 6 months. I…

The Tragedy in Minneapolis

The tragedy which occurred up north on Interstate 35 the other day is a sober reminder to all of us of the things we take for granted and the brevity of life. Dr. Al Mohler, president of souther seminary, has written an excellent blog on the subject. Take a few moments to read it today.…