Sermons by Pat Nemmers (Page 2)

Real Confession

James 5:16 Let’s confess: By recognizing your sin is first and foremost, to God. By admitting your worship has stopped. By owning your sin to the one you’ve sinned against. By bringing your sin to its true hiding place. Well good morning, Saylorville! If you brought a copy of scripture with you this morning, you…


James 5:12 If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you could find the book of James, Chapter 5. We’re heading toward the end of this thing on Keeping It Real, and we’re talking today about “words.” Someone has said, “Behold this truth before your eyes that all the world is lies…

Rich and Ruined

Well good morning, Saylorville! If you brought a copy of Scripture with you — and even if you didn’t — we’re in James chapter 5. The words will be up soon enough. James chapter 5. We’re studying the book of James, and we’ve entered into the last chapter in this series called Keeping It Real.…

What is Your Life?

It’s a vapor. It’s something that exists by the sheer will of God. It is a sin, apart from God. Life Checklist Think more about investing your life than spending your money. (Matthew 6:33) Bow to God’s will, not your calendar. Love God’s plan for you, not the one you have for yourself. (Psalm 40:8)…

Real Humility

James 4:6b-10 Submission to God. Fighting the devil. Going to God. Brokenness before God. Personal initiation to be humble. Well, good morning, Saylorville.  We are so glad you’re here! When I got here this morning, I wanted to say, ‘Would all 14 of you please move to the center here?’ This is one of those…

The War Within

James 4:1-6 Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you can find the book of James, James chapter four. Otherwise, the Scripture will come up on the board. I love that song. We haven’t sung it for a while, and it reminded me of just a week…

Get Wisdom!

James 3:13-18 Well good morning, Saylorville! If you brought a copy of scripture with you today you can find James chapter three…as we spend one more time in James this year before we celebrate our Lord’s incarnation next week in our special services. We’re talking about keeping it real and we’re talking about keeping it…

Real Faith (Part Two)

James 2:20-26 Well, good morning Saylorville! If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you can find the book of James, James, chapter 2, as we continue in our series of Keeping It Real, James, chapter 2. My wife and I enjoy in-home visits and have for many years where we call…

Real Faith

James 2:14-19 Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you’ve got a copy of scripture with you, you can find James, chapter two, as we continue in our study of  Keeping It Real in the epistle of James, this very, very practical book in the Bible, much like the Proverb of the New Testament. I hope you…