Sermons by Pat Nemmers (Page 4)

God Is (Part 1)

Psalm 145; Revelation 5 If you brought a copy of Scripture, you can find a couple of places, Psalm 145, and then on the backside of the message, we’ll be in Revelation 5, so you might want to make a marker there, if you would, as we continue in our series, Theology on Fire! We’re…

Exalting in the Knowledge of God

Summer Series; Theology on Fire! Hosea 4 Good morning, Saylorville!  If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you can find the book of Hosea, chapter 4, in the Old Testament as we begin our brand new summer series entitled Theology on Fire! Today’s message is entitled, Exalting in the Knowledge of…

God, Help Us Obey

Ezra 10 Well, good morning, Saylorville! If you’ve brought a copy of Scripture with you, you can turn to the very last chapter in the book of Ezra as we conclude our series, God, Help Us! I trust it’s been a good series for you. Ezra, chapter 10. We just got done singing, “We have…

God, Help Us Return to You

Ezra 3 Well, good morning, Saylorville! If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, and even if you didn’t, the words will be up on the screen. But if you did, go to Ezra, chapter three, as we continue in our series, “God Help Us”. Anybody here need help from God? Yeah,…

God Help Us Believe!

Ezra 1:1-11 If you brought a copy of Scripture with you, you can find the book of Ezra. You might want to start with the table of contents, but you’ll get there, I’m sure, as we begin a brand new series, “God help us!” Can you relate to that statement? Is anybody here a movie…

The Cup

Mathew 26:36 Well, Good morning, Saylorville! If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you can find Matthew chapter 26 as we continue in our Easter series From Grief to Glory. This special message is on the Cup. The Bible starts with God in the Garden of Eden. It ends with God…

The Clear Gospel

Ephesians 6:19-20 If you brought a copy of scripture with you, you can find Ephesians chapter six as we continue with the Church at War and the Apostle Paul winding down this great epistle here. And before we do that, just praising the Lord here this morning. My mind has been on the 17 young…